

There’s been a
shift of power in
the last decade.

Let me introduce myself

I am the author of this book

Mobilizing our Consumer Power depends on 3 a-ha’s that have the ability to produce a 6-figure income for you in the next 18 months depending on what you do about them.

If We Have the Power—
Why are we still broke?


Consumers have been left out of the profit loop.


Get your own multi-industry product broker.
(ditch Amazon)
Buy from your own business.


Consumers don’t have enough tax advantages.


Turn your Consumer Power into a powerful online Business with amazing tax advantages.

The difference between Linear vs Leveraged Income

Which one do you have now?

Many people don’t realize there are 2 very different types of income. It’s easy to tell which one you have with a simple question.

“If you could not go to work anymore
(or chose not to)
would your income continue?”

You have linear income
(trading your time for money)

You have leveraged income
(residual/passive/ongoing income)

How to mobilze your own Consumer Power

Take advantage of a turn-key operation so you can simply:

  1. Buy everything you need or want through your own business.
  2. Scale and expand volume by allowing other consumers to join you—

Inside the profit loop.
Where the power is.

Inside the profit loop where the power is

Start creating Leveraged Income today by mobilizing YOUR Consumer Power!

Click the MOBILIZE MY POWER button to send me an email and set up a free 10 minute coaching call.

If you qualify, I’ll send you a copy of my book at no cost to you.